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    Response to TV2 Echo criticism of acrylates

    TV2 has created an article that we consider important, as it draws attention to an important topic. The core of any UV-curing product is acrylates, which are classified as "allergenic". However, it is important for us to emphasize that we neither can nor should be held responsible for the general development of allergies in the industry, but of course can only ensure and maintain the highest standard for our own products. Based on feedback from our customers and our own internal research, we do not recognize the negative image that has been created. Therefore, we do not want to be equated with the wider market.

    Our efforts to ensure a strong focus on security include:

    • Selection of acrylates:
      We carefully select acrylates with the least risk of allergy, prioritizing large molecules that are less likely to penetrate the skin.

    • Lowest possible acrylate concentration:
      We strive for the lowest possible acrylate concentration to minimize exposure and thus the risk of allergies.

    • Effective curing process:
      We ensure that our products and UV lamps are carefully matched to guarantee complete curing, which is essential to reduce allergy risk.

    • Customer education:
      A central part of our safety efforts is to educate our customers in the correct use of the products through comprehensive theory books, video guides, and direct support.

    • Transparent communication:
      We are committed to providing information about ingredient content and potential risks, supported by labeling and in-depth educational materials.

    To provide a deeper understanding of our dedication to product safety, we delve into the details of our approach and the scientific principles that underlie our products' development. It is essential to understand how we proactively address potential allergy risks through our product design and customer education:

    Selection of acrylates

    Our products are designed with an in-depth understanding of the molecular interactions that occur during the curing process. UV-curing gel products consist of small molecules that, when exposed to UV light, polymerize (harden). The size of the molecules is decisive for their ability to penetrate the skin and potentially trigger an allergic reaction. By choosing acrylates with a larger molecular size, we reduce the risk of allergy, as larger molecules have more difficulty penetrating the skin barrier.

    Lowest possible acrylate concentration

    In addition to working with the selection of acrylates, we also work purposefully to minimize the concentration of acrylates in our products. A lower concentration of acrylate means less exposure for the consumer and thus a reduced risk of developing allergies.

    Effective curing process

    Another key part of our product safety is also to ensure that the curing process is completely effective. Incompletely cured products can increase the risk of allergies, as the non-cured molecules are small enough to penetrate the skin. By carefully adapting our gel products and UV lamps, we ensure that the curing is total, which reduces the risk of allergies. To ensure this, a basic understanding of the chemistry behind the curing process is essential. All gel products contain photoinitiators, which initiate the curing process when exposed to UV light. Delving deeper into the chemistry, however, one discovers that not all types of UV light can cure all types of gels, as different types of photoinitiators require specific UV wavelengths and wattages. These photoinitiators are critical for the curing process to be initiated correctly. Without a UV lamp that precisely matches the gel product's needs for wavelength and wattage, there is a risk that the product will not harden completely. This leaves behind small molecules that are not fully cured, which can cause these small, exposed molecules to be absorbed by the skin over time. Therefore, an exact match between the UV lamp and the gel product is essential to minimize the risk of allergy.

    This detailed and perhaps technically heavy explanation emphasizes our commitment to minimizing allergy risk through careful design and informed use of our products.

    Customer training

    An essential component of our approach to product safety is customer education. We believe that well-informed users are better able to use our products in a safe and effective manner, minimizing the risk of errors and possible allergic reactions. Our strategy for customer education includes, among other things:

    • Comprehensive 80-page theory book: We have developed a comprehensive 80-page theory book included in each starter pack to ensure a thorough introduction to our products. The book covers basic nail techniques and explores in-depth topics such as allergies and the critical curing process, which is essential to understanding how to avoid allergies. This targeted approach is designed to promote a comprehensive understanding of proper product use to achieve the best and safest results with our products. We continuously update all our learning resources, including of course the theory book.

    • Video guides: To supplement the written materials, we produce detailed video guides. These visual guides cover a wide range of topics, from basic gel application to troubleshooting common problems. The videos enable users to see precise techniques in practice, enhancing the learning process. We continuously update all our learning resources, including of course our video guides.

    • Direct Support: We also offer direct support to our customers through various channels, including telephone support, email, chat and social media. This ensures that customers can quickly get answers to their questions and assistance with any challenges they may encounter.

    Transparent communication

    Our commitment to transparent communication is at the core of our security philosophy. We believe that customers deserve to know exactly what their products contain and the potential risks that may be associated with them. Our strategy includes, among other things:

    • Labeling: All our products are clearly labeled with ingredient lists that meet all regulatory requirements. We go a step further by also including warnings and safety recommendations directly on the packaging so that users are fully informed before use. On our bottles you can find the following warning: “May cause an allergic reaction. In the event of signs of redness or an allergic reaction, use must be discontinued immediately. Keep out of reach of children". This warning is not a legal requirement as none of the ingredients we use require this type of labeling. We have chosen to include this information voluntarily to inform about the risk.

      It is important to note that certain products on the market require mandatory warnings such as "For commercial use only", "Avoid contact with skin", "Read the instructions for use carefully", "May cause allergic reactions" . These warnings are mandatory on products if they contain particularly dangerous substances. It is a common misconception that the presence of these warnings indicates a higher efficacy or quality of the product. In reality, they are a sign of potential risk in use. At The Gel Collection, we do considerable work to avoid the use of such dangerous substances in our products.

    • In-depth educational materials: In addition to product labels, we develop in-depth educational materials that cover important safety topics, including potential allergy risk and proper handling of the products. These materials are available on our website and in printed form so customers can delve into the details before using the products.

    • Active information sharing: We actively engage in sharing knowledge and information through our blog, newsletters and social media channels. These platforms allow us to continuously update our customers on new security data, user tips and best practices.

    By focusing on both customer education and transparent communication, we strive to create a secure and trusting relationship with our customers, where they feel supported and informed throughout their journey with our products.

    Our position on the Danish Consumer Council Tænk Kemi's investigation

    We note that the Consumer Council Tænk Kemi (which is behind Kemiluppen) has raised concerns based on a number of declaration tests of gel products on the market. However, it is important to emphasize that these tests only confirm the presence of certain ingredients, which does not necessarily give a true picture of the actual risk of each individual product. Declaration tests, which are based on information from the product's labels, only give a superficial insight into a product's composition and safety. Specifically, there are three primary limitations to this approach:

    • Label Accuracy:
      Declaration tests assume that the label information is correct. However, reality shows that there are cases where manufacturers have listed incorrect ingredients on their labels. This leads to Kemiluppen being able to convey incorrect assessments as they do not have the capacity to confirm the accuracy of the labels.

    • Consideration of ingredient quantities:
      A critical aspect that is overlooked is the amount of each ingredient in the product. For example, the risk of allergy associated with UV curing gels is directly related to the amount of acrylates they contain. They ignore this important nuance, as the analysis focuses only on the presence of ingredients without assessing their concentration.

    • Failure to consider impurities:
      Finally, this approach lacks consideration of possible impurities in ingredients, which may be both illegal and harmful to health. Although an ingredient may appear safe based on label information, it may contain prohibited impurities that are not listed on the label but only found in the safety data sheets - something Kemiluppen does not have the resources to investigate.

    These limitations emphasize that a purely label-based assessment cannot fully reflect a product's actual level of risk. Therefore, we call for a more thorough and comprehensive risk assessment that goes beyond mere declaration tests to ensure that consumers receive accurate and reliable information.

    Our position on the Knowledge Center for Allergy's statements

    We generally do not want to enter into the general discussion about the development of allergies within the industry, as we emphasize safety and do not want to be compared to the wider market. Our experience, based on feedback from our customers, does not reflect the negative picture that has been painted. However, it is necessary to point out that the Knowledge Center for Allergy has expressed itself without presenting in-depth data, which complicates the process of drawing well-founded conclusions. It is likely that their data does not only concern products intended for home use, but also includes products used in professional contexts where a higher concentration of allergenic substances is permitted according to EU legislation. Without detailed data, it is neither reasonable nor fair to generalize about the safety level of home products or to single out individual brands negatively.

    Furthermore, it is misleading to assume that the risk of allergy is necessarily reduced when treatments are performed by a nail technician. The title "nail technician" is not a protected designation, and there is no official standard for checking nail technician skills. Although many nail technicians are highly skilled, there are instances where nail technicians operate without the necessary training or knowledge, which can undermine safety standards. The problem is compounded by the fact that EU cosmetics regulation is less restrictive towards products intended for professional use, allowing the use of more potentially harmful chemistry compared to products for home use. Professional products often contain highly allergenic substances such as Hema and Di-Hema, as well as chemicals that are classified as carcinogenic and endocrine disruptors, allowing a higher level of allergenic chemicals than in home products.

    We at Neglefeber are deeply committed to transparency and safety in our product development and emphasize the need for a nuanced and data-driven approach to evaluating product safety.

    We can also refer to the cosmetics and hygiene industry's position on declaration tests here .

    Important knowledge about our EU system that ensures consumer safety

    In conclusion, we believe it is important that everyone remembers that a comprehensive system within the EU carefully assesses ingredients in cosmetic products on an ongoing basis. So far, the EU has chosen not to implement restrictions on all types of acrylates, but only on certain specific types such as e.g. Hema. Therefore, if the Knowledge Center for Allergy and the Consumer Council Think Chemistry perceive the fully legal acrylates as a significant problem that should be addressed more broadly on the market, their concerns could be directed to the existing EU regulations in the Cosmetics Regulation, rather than casting a shadow over manufacturers and dealers. The current EU system does not consider these substances to be of sufficient concern to introduce further restrictions or bans. We of course assure that we always comply with applicable EU regulations and continuously keep up to date with the latest knowledge in our area.

    Nail Fever's commitment to safety and transparency is unwavering. We continue to follow scientific advances and adapt our practices to ensure our customers can enjoy high quality cosmetic products with confidence. We encourage an open dialogue and are always ready to discuss the safety of our products with our customers and stakeholders.

    Relevant resources

    It is important to emphasize that no UV curing nail products on the market are hypoallergenic. The main ingredient in these products, acrylate, is known for its potential to cause allergic reactions. In order to support our customers' understanding and ensure informed use of Neglefeber's products, we encourage direct dialogue with us for any questions or concerns. In addition, we offer access to a number of informative resources:

    Allergy Blog Post: Dive into our detailed blog post addressing allergies related to UV curing nail products to understand the risks and how to best protect yourself.
    Read: Our efforts to reduce allergies here.
    Read: the 21FREE collection and allergies here .

    Complete Ingredient Lists: Browse our extensive ingredient lists to gain insight into the composition of each product that we offer. See them here .

    Knowledge of safety assessments: To get a more in-depth insight into how the EU assesses cosmetics, we can refer to The cosmetics and hygiene industry, who are skilled at passing on relevant information . Read about it here .

    We value transparency and security highly and strive to provide our customers with all the information necessary to make well-informed choices.


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